Our Mission

A Nonprofit Committed to Bringing Happiness to Children in Need

A smile may only last a moment, but its transformative power can send ripples that affect people forever.

Sadly, smiles are often missing from the faces of children experiencing pediatric cancer. These young people didn’t have a choice when they were confronted with grown-up size challenges. They may not have the language, reasoning skills, or support necessary to make sense of their diagnosis and all that comes with it. We aim to make sure no child under our non-profit suffer alone and unsupported.


Smiles Are Forever is a nonprofit children’s charity founded to put smiles on the faces of kids experiencing pediatric cancer. Based in the greater Cleveland, Ohio area, we have a special heart for helping children diagnosed with pediatric cancer. Raising awareness and creating smiles is our #1 goal.

We are a different kind of children’s charity, one that harnesses the power of new media to activate communities and rally them around children in need by telling their stories with powerful video messaging.

Our organization was founded by Chad Holbert, an IT professional with a lifelong passion for giving back to his community, especially children.

“When you can bring a smile to the face of a young person who has been in and out of the hospital treating pediatric cancer, for a split second you have made their struggles disappear. That smile is the spark of happiness and hope that can make a world of difference in lifting the spirits of children who must draw from their inner strength to overcome the obstacles before them. That’s what Smiles Are Forever is all about: Paying it forward in small, meaningful ways that make kids smile.”  -Chad Holbert

How are we different? We are storytellers. We tell the stories of children suffering and in need, giving them a voice and a platform for sharing and not feeling alone. We tell the stories of the donors who have come to their aid or brought them that spark of joy in the form of a smile. In addition to building a beacon of hope through our social media pages and videos, we will also organize events throughout the year to raise funds for pediatric cancer patients. Events not only bring donations but they are a great tool for raising awareness.

How are we 100% transparent? We let you decide where every penny of your dollar is spent. Once you click the donate button you are in complete control. You get to decide to donate to a specific child, the cause in general, the organization, or a 50/50 split. Donating is a choice and we make sure its exactly that.

Our ultimate goal is to turn frowns upside down and bring additional attention to the needs of children suffering from pediatric cancer, uniting compassionate people everywhere to provide the support and love they need to make it through any tough time with a smile.

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Help Raise Awareness

You can show your support to children in need by being their voice. If you know anyone who is diagnosed with pediatric cancer, tell us about them. We’ll do our best to share their story and get them the assistance they need.
